import json
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing_extensions import Self, Literal
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix, csr_matrix
from anndata import AnnData
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset
from scvi import settings
from scgpt.tokenizer import GeneVocab
from .data import DataTable, MetaInfo
from .setting import Setting
from . import logger
class DataBank:
The data structure for large-scale single cell data containing multiple studies.
meta_info: MetaInfo = None
data_tables: Dict[str, DataTable] = field(
metadata={"help": "Data tables in the DataBank."},
gene_vocab: InitVar[GeneVocab] = field(
# Because of the issue, the
# attribute can not be correctly set with default value, if using a getter
# and setter, i.e. @property. So just explicityly set it in the __post_init__.
metadata={"help": "Gene vocabulary mapping gene tokens to integer ids."},
settings: Setting = field(
metadata={"help": "The settings for scBank, use default if not set."},
def __post_init__(self, gene_vocab) -> None:
Initialize a DataBank. If initialize a non-empty DataBank, will check the
meta info and import the data tables. The main data table idicator will be
required, if at least one data table is provided.
# primarily like the DataSets here, should support slicing, indexing, map, etc.
# also, because DataBank is desined to work with large-scale data. The class
# instance itself works like a scheme framework that stores the metadata of
# complete data to easily show or print the info. In the meantime, the actual
# data chunks are kept synchronized in disk, and the DataBank will efficiently
# load and return the partion in memory when queried, in the memory and
# computational effective format of Datasets or Apache Arrow.
# DataBank always tracks the current accessed and queried table/partition,
# and the changes made. When trying to close the current table or switching
# to another one, DataBank will explicitly ask whether to save the changes
# to disk, and show the info of the updated table fields.
if isinstance(gene_vocab, property):
# walkaround for the issue
self._gene_vocab = None
self.gene_vocab = gene_vocab
# empty initialization:
if self.meta_info is None:
if len(self.data_tables) > 0:
raise ValueError("Need to provide meta info if non-empty data tables.")
if self.gene_vocab is not None:
raise ValueError("Need to provide meta info if non-empty gene vocab.")
logger.debug("Initialize an empty DataBank.")
# only-meta-info initializtion:
if len(self.data_tables) == 0 and self.gene_vocab is None:
logger.debug("DataBank initialized with meta info only.")
self.sync() if self.settings.immediate_save else self.track()
# full initialization:
if self.gene_vocab is None:
raise ValueError("Need to provide gene vocab if non-empty data tables.")
# validate the meta info, and the consistency between meta and data tables
# we assume the input meta_info is complete and correct. Usually this should
# be handled by factory constructors.
self.sync() if self.settings.immediate_save else self.track()
def gene_vocab(self) -> Optional[GeneVocab]:
The gene vocabulary mapping gene tokens to integer ids.
# if self._gene_vocab is None:
# self._gene_vocab = GeneVocab.load(self.meta_info.gene_vocab_path)
return self._gene_vocab
def gene_vocab(self, gene_vocab: Union[GeneVocab, Path, str]) -> None:
Set the gene vocabulary from an :obj:`GeneVocab` object or a file path.
if isinstance(gene_vocab, (Path, str)):
gene_vocab = GeneVocab.from_file(gene_vocab)
elif not isinstance(gene_vocab, GeneVocab):
raise ValueError("gene_vocab must be a GeneVocab object or a path.")
self._validate_vocab(gene_vocab) # e.g. check md5 every time calling setter
self._gene_vocab = gene_vocab
self.sync( # sync to disk, update md5 in meta info
) if self.settings.immediate_save else self.track(["gene_vocab"])
def main_table_key(self) -> Optional[str]:
The main data table key.
if self.meta_info is None:
return None
return self.meta_info.main_table_key
def main_table_key(self, table_key: str) -> None:
"""Set the main data table key."""
if self.meta_info is None:
raise ValueError("Need to have self.meta_info if setting main table key.")
self.meta_info.main_table_key = table_key
self.sync(["meta_info"]) if self.settings.immediate_save else self.track(
def main_data(self) -> DataTable:
"""The main data table."""
return self.data_tables[self.main_table_key]
def from_anndata(
adata: Union[AnnData, Path, str],
vocab: Union[GeneVocab, Mapping[str, int]],
to: Union[Path, str],
main_table_key: str = "X",
token_col: str = "gene name",
immediate_save: bool = True,
) -> Self:
Create a DataBank from an AnnData object.
adata (AnnData): Annotated data or path to anndata file.
vocab (GeneVocab or Mapping[str, int]): Gene vocabulary maps gene
token to index.
to (Path or str): Data directory.
main_table_key (str): This layer/obsm in anndata will be used as the
main data table.
token_col (str): Column name of the gene token.
immediate_save (bool): Whether to save the data immediately after creation.
DataBank: DataBank instance.
if isinstance(adata, str) or isinstance(adata, Path):
import scanpy as sc
adata =, cache=True)
elif not isinstance(adata, AnnData):
raise ValueError("adata must points to an AnnData object.")
if isinstance(vocab, (Path, str)):
vocab = GeneVocab.from_file(vocab)
elif isinstance(vocab, Mapping) and not isinstance(vocab, GeneVocab):
vocab = GeneVocab.from_dict(vocab)
elif not isinstance(vocab, GeneVocab):
raise ValueError("vocab must be a GeneVocab object or a mapping.")
if isinstance(to, str):
to = Path(to)
to.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
db = cls(
# TODO: Add other data tables, currently only read the main data
data_table = db.load_anndata(
# update and immediate save
db.main_table_key = main_table_key
db.update_datatables(new_tables=[data_table], immediate_save=immediate_save)
return db
def batch_from_anndata(cls, adata: List[AnnData], to: Union[Path, str]) -> Self:
raise NotImplementedError
def from_path(cls, path: Union[Path, str]) -> Self:
Create a DataBank from a directory containing scBank data. **NOTE**: this
method will automatically check whether md5sum record in the :file:`manifest.json`
matches the md5sum of the loaded gene vocabulary.
path (Path or str): Directory path.
DataBank: DataBank instance.
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
if not path.exists():
raise ValueError(f"Path {path} does not exist.")
if not path.is_dir():
raise ValueError(f"Path {path} is not a directory.")
if not path.joinpath("gene_vocab.json").exists():
logger.warning(f"DataBank at {path} does not contain gene_vocab.json.")
data_table_files = [f for f in path.glob("*.datatable.*") if f.is_file()]
if len(data_table_files) == 0:
logger.warning(f"Loading empty DataBank at {path} without datatables.")
db = cls(meta_info=MetaInfo.from_path(path))
db.gene_vocab = GeneVocab.from_file(path / "gene_vocab.json")
data_format = db.meta_info.on_disk_format
for data_table_file in data_table_files:"Loading datatable {data_table_file}.")
data_table = DataTable(".")[0],
return db
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of cells in DataBank."""
raise NotImplementedError
def _load_anndata_layer(
adata: AnnData,
data_key: Optional[str] = "X",
index_map: Optional[Mapping[int, int]] = None,
) -> Optional[Dataset]:
Load anndata layer as a :class:Dataset object.
adata (:class:`AnnData`): Annotated data object to load.
data_key (:obj:`str`, optional): Data key to load, default to "X". The data
key must be in :attr:`adata.X`, :attr:`adata.layers` or :attr:`adata.obsm`.
index_map (:obj:`Mapping[int, int]`, optional): A mapping from old index
to new index. If None, meaning the index is unchanged and the converted
data rows do not have explicit keys.
:class:`Dataset`: Dataset object loaded.
if not isinstance(adata, AnnData):
raise ValueError("adata must be an AnnData object.")
if index_map is None:
# TODO: implement loading data w/ index unchanged, i.e. w/o explicit keys
raise NotImplementedError
if data_key == "X":
data = adata.X
elif data_key in adata.layers:
data = adata.layers[data_key]
elif data_key in adata.obsm:
data = adata.obsm[data_key]
logger.warning(f"Data key {data_key} not found, skip loading.")
return None
tokenized_data = self._tokenize(data, index_map)
return Dataset.from_dict(tokenized_data)
def _tokenize(
data: Union[np.ndarray, csr_matrix],
ind2ind: Mapping[str, int],
new_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, List]:
Tokenize the data with the given vocabulary.
TODO: currently by default uses the key-value datatable scheme. Add
other support.
TODO: currently just counting from zero for the cell id.
data (np.ndarray or spmatrix): Data to be tokenized.
tokens (List[str]): List of gene tokens.
ind2ind (Mapping[str, int]): Old index to new index mapping.
new_indices (List[int]): New indices to be used, will ignore ind2ind.
**NOTE**: Usually this should be None. Should only be used in the
spawned recursive calls if any.
Dict[str, List]: Tokenized data.
if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, csr_matrix)):
raise ValueError("data must be a numpy array or sparse matrix.")
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
zero_ratio = np.sum(data == 0) / data.size
if zero_ratio > 0.85:
f"{zero_ratio*100:.0f}% of the data is zero, "
"auto convert to sparse matrix before tokenizing."
data = csr_matrix(data) # process sparse matrix actually faster
# remove zero rows
if self.settings.remove_zero_rows:
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.size > 1e9:
"Going to remove zero rows from a large ndarray data. This "
"may take long time. If you want to disable this, set "
f"`remove_zero_rows` to False in {self.__name__}.settings."
if isinstance(data, csr_matrix):
data = data[data.getnnz(axis=1) > 0]
data = data[~np.all(data == 0, axis=1)]
n_rows, n_cols = data.shape # usually means n_cells, n_genes
if new_indices is None:
new_indices = np.array(
[ind2ind.get(i, -100) for i in range(n_cols)], int
) # TODO: can be accelerated
assert len(new_indices) == n_cols
if isinstance(data, csr_matrix):
indptr = data.indptr
indices = data.indices
non_zero_data =
tokenized_data = {"id": [], "genes": [], "expressions": []}
tokenized_data["id"] = list(range(n_rows))
for i in range(n_rows): # ~2s/100k cells
row_indices = indices[indptr[i] : indptr[i + 1]]
row_new_indices = new_indices[row_indices]
row_non_zero_data = non_zero_data[indptr[i] : indptr[i + 1]]
match_mask = row_new_indices != -100
row_new_indices = row_new_indices[match_mask]
row_non_zero_data = row_non_zero_data[match_mask]
# remove -100 cols in data and new_indices, i.e. genes not in vocab
mask = new_indices != -100
new_indices = new_indices[mask]
data = data[:, mask]
tokenized_data = _nparray2mapped_values(
data, new_indices, "numba"
) # ~7s/100k cells
return tokenized_data
def _validate_vocab(self, vocab: Optional[GeneVocab] = None) -> None:
Validate the vocabulary. Check :attr:`self.vocab` if no vocab is given.
if vocab is None:
vocab = self.gene_vocab
# TODO: implement validation
def _validate_data(self) -> None:
Validate the current DataBank, including checking md5sum, table names, etc.
# first validate vocabulary
if len(self.data_tables) == 0 and self.main_table_key is not None:
raise ValueError(
"No data tables found, but main table key is set. "
"Please set main table key to None or add data tables."
if len(self.data_tables) > 0:
if self.main_table_key is None:
raise ValueError(
"Main table key can not be empty if non-empty data tables."
if self.main_table_key not in self.data_tables:
raise ValueError(
"Main table key {self.main_table_key} not found in data tables."
def update_datatables(
new_tables: List[DataTable],
use_names: List[str] = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
immediate_save: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
Update the data tables in the DataBank with new data tables.
new_tables (list of :class:`DataTable`): New data tables to update.
use_names (list of :obj:`str`): Names of the new data tables to use.
If not provided, will use the names of the new data tables.
overwrite (:obj:`bool`): Whether to overwrite the existing data tables.
immediate_save (:obj:`bool`): Whether to save the data immediately after
updating. Will save to :attr:`self.meta_info.on_disk_path`. If not
provided, will follow :attr:`self.settings.immediate_save` instead.
Default to None.
if not isinstance(new_tables, list) or not all(
isinstance(t, DataTable) for t in new_tables
raise ValueError("new_tables must be a list of DataTable.")
if use_names is None:
use_names = [ for t in new_tables]
if len(use_names) != len(new_tables):
raise ValueError("use_names must have the same length as new_tables.")
if not overwrite:
overlaps = set(use_names) & set(self.data_tables.keys())
if len(overlaps) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Data table names {overlaps} already exist in the DataBank. "
"Please set overwrite=True if replacing the existing data table."
if immediate_save is None:
immediate_save = self.settings.immediate_save
for dt, name in zip(new_tables, use_names):
self.data_tables[name] = dt
self.sync("data_tables") if immediate_save else self.track("data_tables")
def load_anndata(
adata: AnnData,
data_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
token_col: str = "gene name",
) -> List[DataTable]:
Load anndata into datatables.
adata (:class:`AnnData`): Annotated data object to load.
data_keys (list of :obj:`str`): List of data keys to load. If None,
all data keys in :attr:`adata.X`, :attr:`adata.layers` and
:attr:`adata.obsm` will be loaded.
token_col (:obj:`str`): Column name of the gene token. Tokens will be
converted to indices by :attr:`self.gene_vocab`.
list of :class:`DataTable`: List of data tables loaded.
if not isinstance(adata, AnnData):
raise ValueError("adata must be an AnnData object.")
if data_keys is None:
data_keys = ["X"] + list(adata.layers.keys()) + list(adata.obsm.keys())
if token_col not in adata.var:
raise ValueError(f"token_col {token_col} not found in adata.var.")
if not isinstance(adata.var[token_col][0], str):
raise ValueError(f"token_col {token_col} must be of type str.")
# validate matching between tokens and vocab
tokens = adata.var[token_col].tolist()
match_ratio = sum([1 for t in tokens if t in self.gene_vocab]) / len(tokens)
if match_ratio < 0.9:
raise ValueError(
f"{match_ratio*100:.0f}% of the tokens in adata.var[{token_col}] are not in "
"vocab. Please check if using the correct vocab and token_col."
# build mapping to scBank datatable keys
_ind2ind = _map_ind(tokens, self.gene_vocab) # old index to new index
data_tables = []
for key in data_keys:
data = self._load_anndata_layer(adata, key, _ind2ind)
data_table = DataTable(
return data_tables
def append_study(
study_id: int,
study_data: Union[AnnData, "DataBank"],
) -> None:
Append a study to the current DataBank.
study_id (str): Study ID.
study_data (AnnData or DataBank): Study data.
raise NotImplementedError
def delete_study(self, study_id: int) -> None:
Delete a study from the current DataBank.
raise NotImplementedError
def filter(
study_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None,
cell_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
Filter the current DataBank by study ID and cell ID.
study_ids (list): Study IDs to filter.
cell_ids (list): Cell IDs to filter.
inplace (bool): Whether to also filter inplace.
DataBank: Filtered DataBank.
raise NotImplementedError
def custom_filter(
field: str,
filter_func: callable,
inplace: bool = True,
) -> Self:
Filter the current DataBank by applying a custom filter function to a field.
field (str): Field to filter.
filter_func (callable): Filter function.
inplace (bool): Whether to also filter inplace.
DataBank: Filtered DataBank.
raise NotImplementedError
def link(self, data_path: Union[Path, str]) -> None:
Link to a scBank data directory. This will only load the meta info
and perform validation check, but not load the data tables. Usually, can
use the `.load_table` method to load a data table later.
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
assert path.is_dir(), f"Data path {path} should be a directory."
raise NotImplementedError
def load_table(self, table_name: str) -> Dataset:
Load a data table from the current DataBank.
raise NotImplementedError
def load(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> Dataset:
Load scBank data from a data directory. Since DataBank is designed to work
with large-scale data, this only loads the main data table to memory by
default. This does as well load the meta info and perform validation check.
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
assert path.is_dir(), f"Data path {path} should be a directory."
raise NotImplementedError
def load_all(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> Dict[str, Dataset]:
Load scBank data from a data directory. This will load all the data tables
to memory.
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
assert path.is_dir(), f"Data path {path} should be a directory."
raise NotImplementedError
def track(self, attr_keys: Union[List[str], str, None] = None) -> List:
Track all the changes made to the current DataBank and that have not been
synced to disk. This will return a list of changes.
attr_keys (list of :obj:`str`): List of attribute keys to look for
changes. If None, all attributes will be checked.
if attr_keys is None:
attr_keys = [
elif isinstance(attr_keys, str):
attr_keys = [attr_keys]
changed_attrs = []
# TODO: implement the checking of the changes, currently just return all
return changed_attrs
def sync(self, attr_keys: Union[List[str], str, None] = None) -> None:
Sync the current DataBank to a data directory, including, save the updated
data/vocab to files, update the meta info and save to files.
**NOTE**: This will overwrite the existing data directory.
attr_keys (list of :obj:`str`): List of attribute keys to sync. If None, will
sync all the attributes with tracked changes.
if attr_keys is None:
attr_keys = self.track()
elif isinstance(attr_keys, str):
attr_keys = [attr_keys]
# TODO: implement. Remeber particularly to update md5 in metainfo when
# updating the gene vocabulary.
on_disk_path = self.meta_info.on_disk_path
data_format = self.meta_info.on_disk_format
if "meta_info" in attr_keys:
if "data_tables" in attr_keys:
for data_table in self.data_tables.values():
save_to = on_disk_path / f"{}.datatable.{data_format}""Saving data table {} to {save_to}.")
if "gene_vocab" in attr_keys:
if self.gene_vocab is not None:
self._gene_vocab.save_json(on_disk_path / "gene_vocab.json")
def save(self, path: Union[Path, str, None], replace: bool = False) -> None:
Save scBank data to a data directory.
path (Path): Path to save scBank data. If None, will save to the
directory at :attr:`self.meta_info.on_disk_path`.
replace (bool): Whether to replace existing data in the directory.
if path is None:
path = self.meta_info.on_disk_path
elif isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
raise NotImplementedError
def _map_ind(tokens: List[str], vocab: Mapping[str, int]) -> Mapping[int, int]:
Create a mapping from old index to new index, for a list of tokens.
tokens (list): List of tokens, in the order of old indeces.
vocab (Mapping[str, int]): Vocabulary mapping from token to new index.
ind2ind = {}
unmatched_tokens = []
for i, t in enumerate(tokens):
if t in vocab:
ind2ind[i] = vocab[t]
if len(unmatched_tokens) > 0:
f"{len(unmatched_tokens)}/{len(tokens)} tokens/genes unmatched "
"during vocabulary conversion."
return ind2ind
def _nparray2mapped_values(
data: np.ndarray,
new_indices: np.ndarray,
mode: Literal["plain", "numba"] = "plain",
) -> Dict[str, List]:
Convert a numpy array to mapped values. Only include the non-zero values.
data (np.ndarray): Data matrix.
new_indices (np.ndarray): New indices.
Dict[str, List]: Mapping from column name to list of values.
if mode == "plain":
convert_func = _nparray2indexed_values
elif mode == "numba":
convert_func = _nparray2indexed_values_numba
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}.")
tokenized_data = {}
row_ids, col_inds, values = convert_func(data, new_indices)
tokenized_data["id"] = row_ids
tokenized_data["genes"] = col_inds
tokenized_data["expressions"] = values
return tokenized_data
def _nparray2indexed_values(
data: np.ndarray,
new_indices: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[List, List, List]:
Convert a numpy array to indexed values. Only include the non-zero values.
data (np.ndarray): Data matrix.
new_indices (np.ndarray): New indices.
Tuple[List, List, List]: Row IDs, column indices, and values.
row_ids, col_inds, values = [], [], []
for i in range(len(data)): # TODO: accelerate with numba? joblib?
row = data[i]
idx = np.nonzero(row)[0]
expressions = row[idx]
genes = new_indices[idx]
return row_ids, col_inds, values
from numba import jit, njit, prange
def _nparray2indexed_values_numba(
data: np.ndarray,
new_indices: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[List, List, List]:
Convert a numpy array to indexed values. Only include the non-zero values.
Using numba to accelerate.
data (np.ndarray): Data matrix.
new_indices (np.ndarray): New indices.
Tuple[List, List, List]: Row IDs, column indices, and values.
row_ids, col_inds, values = (
[1] * len(data),
[np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)] * len(data),
[np.empty(0, dtype=data.dtype)] * len(data),
) # placeholders
for i in prange(len(data)):
row = data[i]
idx = np.nonzero(row)[0]
expressions = row[idx]
genes = new_indices[idx]
row_ids[i] = i
col_inds[i] = genes
values[i] = expressions
return row_ids, col_inds, values