scgpt.tokenizer package
- class scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.GeneVocab(gene_list_or_vocab: List[str] | Vocab, specials: List[str] | None = None, special_first: bool = True, default_token: str | None = '<pad>')[源代码]
Vocabulary for genes.
Initialize the vocabulary. Note: add specials only works when init from a gene list.
- 参数:
gene_list_or_vocab (List[str] or Vocab) – List of gene names or a Vocab object.
specials (List[str]) – List of special tokens.
special_first (bool) – Whether to add special tokens to the beginning of the vocabulary.
default_token (str) – Default token, by default will set to “<pad>”, if “<pad>” is in the vocabulary.
- classmethod from_dict(token2idx: Dict[str, int], default_token: str | None = '<pad>') Self [源代码]
Load the vocabulary from a dictionary.
- 参数:
token2idx (Dict[str, int]) – Dictionary mapping tokens to indices.
- classmethod from_file(file_path: Path | str) Self [源代码]
Load the vocabulary from a file. The file should be either a pickle or a json file of token to index mapping.
- property pad_token: str | None
Get the pad token.
- scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.get_default_gene_vocab() GeneVocab [源代码]
Get the default gene vocabulary, consisting of gene symbols and ids.
- scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.pad_batch(batch: List[Tuple], max_len: int, vocab: Vocab, pad_token: str = '<pad>', pad_value: int = 0, cls_appended: bool = True) Dict[str, Tensor] [源代码]
Pad a batch of data. Returns a list of Dict[gene_id, count].
- 参数:
batch (list) – A list of tuple (gene_id, count).
max_len (int) – The maximum length of the batch.
vocab (Vocab) – The vocabulary containing the pad token.
pad_token (str) – The token to pad with.
- 返回:
A dictionary of gene_id and count.
- 返回类型:
Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
- scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.random_mask_value(values: Tensor | ndarray, mask_ratio: float = 0.15, mask_value: int = -1, pad_value: int = 0) Tensor [源代码]
Randomly mask a batch of data.
- 参数:
values (array-like) – A batch of tokenized data, with shape (batch_size, n_features).
mask_ratio (float) – The ratio of genes to mask, default to 0.15.
mask_value (int) – The value to mask with, default to -1.
pad_value (int) – The value of padding in the values, will be kept unchanged.
- 返回:
A tensor of masked data.
- 返回类型:
- scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.tokenize_and_pad_batch(data: ndarray, gene_ids: ndarray, max_len: int, vocab: Vocab, pad_token: str, pad_value: int, append_cls: bool = True, include_zero_gene: bool = False, cls_token: str = '<cls>', return_pt: bool = True) Dict[str, Tensor] [源代码]
Tokenize and pad a batch of data. Returns a list of tuple (gene_id, count).
- scgpt.tokenizer.gene_tokenizer.tokenize_batch(data: ndarray, gene_ids: ndarray, return_pt: bool = True, append_cls: bool = True, include_zero_gene: bool = False, cls_id: int = '<cls>') List[Tuple[Tensor | ndarray]] [源代码]
Tokenize a batch of data. Returns a list of tuple (gene_id, count).
- 参数:
data (array-like) – A batch of data, with shape (batch_size, n_features). n_features equals the number of all genes.
gene_ids (array-like) – A batch of gene ids, with shape (n_features,).
return_pt (bool) – Whether to return torch tensors of gene_ids and counts, default to True.
- 返回:
A list of tuple (gene_id, count) of non zero gene expressions.
- 返回类型: